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Our university was voted as most popular science and engineering universities

Published: 2015-01-22
Recently, China International School Service(CISS) released a ranking voted by overseas students applied China university successf..

Our participating in Anton oil summer camp in 2014

Published: 2014-09-01
August 25 to 29, a line of nine between teachers and students in our school went to Beijing for the Anton oil five days of the fif..

Our University Undertake Oil New Technology Advanced Training Courses after School Of Education

On the morning of 23th September, China national petroleum corporation logging new technology advanced training class ceremony was held in the school of continuing education, the conference room. Chin..

Various Departments Organize New Students to Visit Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory

For enriching the content of the 2014 freshmen entrance education, new campus departments on September 5 groups visit our faculty freshman undergraduate teaching laboratory. The head and laboratory te..

Students in Computer College win award in computer design competition in 2014 Chinese college students

Recently, the 7th China undergraduate computer design competition in 2014 Chinese college students software outsourcing service competition finals held in Hangzhou normal university, the students in o..

Our participating in Anton oil summer camp in 2014

August 25 to 29, a line of nine between teachers and students in our school went to Beijing for the Anton oil five days of the fifth summer camp activities. Student’s essence, deputy director of the ..

Killing two birds with one stone-Xi’an Shiyou University makes it

Many of the overseas students come to China mainly for two purposes- learning professional knowledge and experience the five-thousand historic cultures. Here Xi’an shiyou can help you overseas friend..
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